Jan 3, 2012

Step Five: processing and data analysis

Include data processing, editing, and encoding the data collected, in order to enter this data in a standardized format to the computer, so it can be analyzed using various statistical tools. In light of this analysis is the interpretation of the data to reach the results relevant to the problem of marketing research. You can perform this analysis or the company may rely on third-party to do the job.

Dec 24, 2011

The six steps of the process of marketing research, "the fourth step: implementation of field study or data collection"

The required data is collected, using personal interviews or telephone, or electronic, depending on the choice of method and the nature of the research problem, including the nature of the investigator.

Of course, the choice is efficient, training, supervision, and evaluation of Qaúmin the compilation of data, is essential to ensure a high level of quality of the data collection process, and if not available comapny qualified staff to do the job, it can be to rely on third parties specializing in collecting and analyzing data.

The six steps of the process of marketing research, "the third step: Preparation of design research plan"

The researcher in this step of research and design that represents the (frame / plan) contain the procedures to be followed in the implementation of the researcher marketing research project.

This may include research design, choice of assignments required or identify possible answers to research questions that contribute to the end, the decision-making in the catalog.

May include the research plan to do exploratory research, identifying research variables, and the design of appropriate metrics to measure these variables, also includes how to obtain the required data from the investigator of them, and how to design the questionnaire and the sample plan.

And will discuss these steps in detail in subsequent chapters.

The six steps of the process of marketing research "Step two: prepare a strategy for dealing with the problem."

The second step in the process of marketing research in the preparation of a strategy for dealing with the problem, which includes developing an analytical framework and models, research questions and hypotheses.

The curriculum is determined in the light of the nature of the research problem.

The six steps of the process of marketing research "The first step: defining the problem"

Marketing research process consists of six steps and all of these steps will be discussed in detail the subsequent chapters of this code, but this chapter provides a brief overview of these steps

The first step: defining the problem
Definition of the problem is the first step in the marketing research project, and the researcher identified the research problem through discussions with decision makers (managers of marketing), and interviews with industry experts, which the company operates, and analysis of secondary data, and perhaps do some exploratory research.
The definition of the problem from the problem of the definition of each administrative decision (what management should do?), And the problem of marketing research (what information is required for the decision maker?).

The problem of the administrative decision of the company "rebuke" in the example already mentioned is: What should the company do to increase the market share it? The problem of marketing research for the company is how to assess the potential market for sporting goods household.

Once you identify the problem, it can design and execute the search correctly.

Dec 20, 2011

Classification of marketing research to Research problem identification and Solve the problem

Classification of marketing research
Organizations to conduct marketing research for two reasons, first reason, to identify marketing problems, and the second reason, to solve these problems.And using these reasons as the basis for the classification of marketing research into two types:
1 - Research problem identification2 -
ReSolve the problem

Research to define the problem:Research aimed at identifying the problem to know the real reasons of the problem faced by the director of marketing. You can use this type of research to study the market potential, market share, the company's reputation, and the characteristics of the market, and sales.Can also predict the turnover involving short-term and long-term, the detection of market trends.
This type of research may reveal a problem comapny, where that, despite increased sales, but they are not in line with the rate of growth of the industry or market share because it lacks comparison with competitors. The problem is due to the inefficient advertising comapny, or to the high turnover rates realizable strength of the company.Once the marketing problem or opportunity, the company is the second type of research, a research problem.
Research to resolve the problem:This research relates to solve the problems related to fragmentation of the market, or the same product, or product pricing, product or promotion, or distribution of the product.
May contain one marketing research on the types of research together. For example, as already noted in the example of a company "reebook" America, I have identified the company's problem is that people spend less time for exercise clubs, sports and more time in the exercise at home, and through its research product, the company has reached to develop and deliver new devices to exercise at home (this is discussed to solve the problem).

Dec 12, 2011

Definition of marketing research

Known as the American Association for the Marketing Research marketing as: "the process of assembly, registration, and systematic analysis of data about problems relating to the marketing of goods and services."
Whereas the marketing research plays a pivotal role in making marketing decisions, then this defines marketing research as: "the process of identifying, collecting, analyzing, and transfer, and use of information - in an orderly and objective - to improve decision-making on the identification and solving problems and taking advantage of marketing opportunities" .
It is characterized by the definition that makes it the most comprehensive marketing research area, which includes many of the dimensions.
It includes marketing research "to identify, collect, analyze, transfer and use information."