Dec 12, 2011

Definition of marketing research

Known as the American Association for the Marketing Research marketing as: "the process of assembly, registration, and systematic analysis of data about problems relating to the marketing of goods and services."
Whereas the marketing research plays a pivotal role in making marketing decisions, then this defines marketing research as: "the process of identifying, collecting, analyzing, and transfer, and use of information - in an orderly and objective - to improve decision-making on the identification and solving problems and taking advantage of marketing opportunities" .
It is characterized by the definition that makes it the most comprehensive marketing research area, which includes many of the dimensions.
It includes marketing research "to identify, collect, analyze, transfer and use information."
And considers all of a stage in this process are important. Begins with marketing research identifying or defining the research problem or marketing opportunities. Where the problems often result in missed opportunities.
For example, in the study carried out by the company to produce reebok clothing and sports equipment market, the United States, found that consumers are spending less time in sports clubs, sports, and more time at home.
This result means that the company is facing a problem, which is used in sportswear and sports equipment to a lesser extent, which results in lower demand for those products. However, this problem is an opportunity for the company at the same time, considering that spend more time in the exercise at home consequent potential demand for clothing and sports equipment household.
After defining the research problem, the data collection phase begins using several methods and relying on many sources and use of which depends on the degree of difficulty and complexity of the research project which is the most important limitations of the budget and time constraints.
Then analyze the data and present the results of the company requesting a search, which is relied upon in making marketing decisions.
The reference in the definition that the process of marketing research is an orderly process, confirming that this process must go in the path of expected.
It also emphasizes the importance of objectivity definition "any non-bias" by the researcher at every stage of the stages of marketing research.
And that it was difficult to implement in practice because the corporate-funded research - sometimes - put pressure on the researcher for the exit of the results is given.
However, to undergo this kind of pressure as a departure from the ethical rules of the profession, not to mention that the research that has the bias result in reliable results, which result in the collapse of the entire search process.
The Internet has become a useful tool in identifying and quick, and the compilation, analysis, and transmission of information of the search catalog.

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