Dec 24, 2011

The six steps of the process of marketing research "The first step: defining the problem"

Marketing research process consists of six steps and all of these steps will be discussed in detail the subsequent chapters of this code, but this chapter provides a brief overview of these steps

The first step: defining the problem
Definition of the problem is the first step in the marketing research project, and the researcher identified the research problem through discussions with decision makers (managers of marketing), and interviews with industry experts, which the company operates, and analysis of secondary data, and perhaps do some exploratory research.
The definition of the problem from the problem of the definition of each administrative decision (what management should do?), And the problem of marketing research (what information is required for the decision maker?).

The problem of the administrative decision of the company "rebuke" in the example already mentioned is: What should the company do to increase the market share it? The problem of marketing research for the company is how to assess the potential market for sporting goods household.

Once you identify the problem, it can design and execute the search correctly.

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