Dec 12, 2011

Definition of marketing research

Known as the American Association for the Marketing Research marketing as: "the process of assembly, registration, and systematic analysis of data about problems relating to the marketing of goods and services."
Whereas the marketing research plays a pivotal role in making marketing decisions, then this defines marketing research as: "the process of identifying, collecting, analyzing, and transfer, and use of information - in an orderly and objective - to improve decision-making on the identification and solving problems and taking advantage of marketing opportunities" .
It is characterized by the definition that makes it the most comprehensive marketing research area, which includes many of the dimensions.
It includes marketing research "to identify, collect, analyze, transfer and use information."

Introduction to Marketing Research

Marketing Research is one of the important aspects of the marketing function, which provides decision makers important information in all marketing activities.  
This chapter addresses the definition and classification of marketing research to determine the research problem and research to solve the problem.  
The chapter discusses the six steps of the process of marketing research, also addresses the classification of marketing research to suppliers (supplier internal and external supplier) and the criteria for evaluating the external supplier.  
The chapter also discusses the organizational form for a job marketing research. It also explains the difference between (international marketing research, marketing research and local) The chapter ends with discussion of the ethical rules of the profession of marketing research and the transfer of its participants.